The digital plant: A four-step approach to predictive maintenance 4.0

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The path to interoperability  –  the pinnacle of the smart plant  –  is paved with real-time operations data and analytics.

Data analytics is a virtual gold mine for smelter and mill operations, with initial cost reduction and productivity gains of an estimated 10% to 20%.1 Moreover, the McKinsey.Global Institute projects that in an accelerated technology-adoption scenario  –  involving the deployment of data analytics, robotics, and other technologies  –  an aluminum smelter or steel mill can reduce its costs by up to 40%.2 This white paper discusses how a metals company can benefit from actionable data, particularly in its approach to maintenance and asset management. This paper provides an overview of maintenance strategies and outlines the rewards of a real-time predictive-maintenance approach. Importantly, it also reveals how metals companies can adopt a four-step plan to implement predictive maintenance and become Industry 4.0-ready.

Learn more about the four steps approah to predictive maintenance 4.0